This summer we are trying something new to enhance our intergenerational worship, a children’s table in the worship area. Our children have for some time had access to coloring pages and crayons, and been a part of our whole worship experience, and we want to see what it looks like to give them dedicated space, including smaller seats.
Step one was to have the table up front. That was great for our children’s lesson time transition, but not comfortable for visitors, so we are next trying the table in place of some aisle seating. We appreciate everyone’s willingness to try new ideas. The hope is to have this arrangement worked out (or scrapped if it doesn’t work) by September, when we kick off the new school year and our 2024 All-Church Formation.

I’m think the table and small chairs is a great idea
Maybe place the table a little further back , that way if children need to leave they wouldn’t have to walk in front of people,