Our Future

The featured image for this page is Immersion by Gayle Cobb. It is one of the many representations we have in our facility of Stephen and the Ethiopian. These symbols remind us of what we are doing and becoming.

What we are doing is making disciples of Jesus, but not just from a small pool of people who look and act just like us. As a congregation we must become representative of our community (which is increasingly diverse ethnically, generationally, and socioeconomically) and the Kingdom of Heaven (which contains every nation, tribe, people and language according to Revelation 7:9). In action and appearance we will be a congregation that models reconciliation and unity.

Just as Acts 8 records Phillip crossing all those human barriers by the power of the Holy Spirit, so also we want the final record of Heartwood Church to be that we, empowered by the Holy Spirit, broke down wall and built bridges to bring people to knowledge, faith, and wholeness in Jesus.