You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:5 NIV
In the Bible twelve is a number that represents completeness with regard to the people of God. There are 12 Tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, and 24 (2×12) Elders around the throne of God. Each of the Living Stones is illustrated by the life of each of the 12 sons of Israel. As the leadership of the church prayerfully considered what outcomes God is looking for in his disciples, we found ourselves with twelve outcomes. The 12 Living Stones are grouped into four focal areas (illustrated in the locations around and in the tabernacle): The Camp, The Courtyard, The Tent of Meeting, and Behind the Curtain.
The Living Stones are:
The Camp – Living Reconciled with Others
- Faith – Simeon’s blessing is a rebuke (Genesis 49:5-7). He, along with his brother Levi, murdered the men of an entire city. They were in need of forgiveness and a change of heart. Jesus’ death on the cross paid the price for all sin so that we could be forgiven. A disciple obtains a citine stone upon confessing Jesus as Lord, and believing in their heart that God raise him from the dead for the forgiveness of their sins.
- Evangelism – Naphtali is blessed with offspring (Genesis 49:21). Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples. A disciple obtains a clear quartz stone upon engaging in the battle of personal evangelism and deliverance of people.
- Accountability – Reuben was blessed with strength but lost preeminence due to a lack of accountability (Genesis 49:3-4). A disciple obtains a red jasper stone upon learning to overcome temptations (a Band Meeting) and doing the work God calls me to do, which is foremost making disciples (a Disciple Making Community).
- Responsibility – Gad can handle the difficulties of life (Genesis 49:19). A disciple obtains a carnelian stone upon demonstrating maturity and responsibility in physical and spiritual areas of life.
- Justice – Dan’s blessing (Genesis 49:16-18) was to provide justice and deliverance for his people. A disciple obtains a yellow jasper stone when they partner with God to restore the world.
The Courtyard – Living Reconciled with God
- Sacraments – Levi’s blessing is a rebuke (Genesis 49:5-7), being told he will be scattered throughout Israel. Levi became the priestly tribe, with its members dispersed around the nation. Jesus, our high priest, invites us to participate in the sacramental life. A disciple obtains a red tiger eye stone upon living the sacraments.
- Spiritual Disciplines – Asher lives in intimacy with the King (Genesis 49:20). A disciple obtains an onyx stone upon learning and practicing Christian spiritual disciplines.
- Stewardship – Joseph is blessed as fruitful (Genesis 49:22-26), learning to manage God’s gifts (money, time, and people) for glory of God. A disciple obtains a hematite stone upon learning stewardship.
The Tent of Meeting – Multiplying Reconciliation (pursuing leadership)
- Ministry – Issachar’s blessing was to be the hardest worker among the sheep (Genesis 49:14-15). Jesus called his people his sheep. A disciple obtains an amethyst quartz stone upon involvement in ministry.
- Knowledge – Benjamin is described as a ravenous wolf who devours the prey (Genesis 49:27). A disciple must eat and use the Word. A disciple obtains a malachite stone upon being able to learn, obey, and teach.
Behind the Curtain – Living as a Reconciled Self
- Emotions – Zebulun is the tribe of peaceful harbor (Genesis 49:13). A disciple obtains a blue lace agate stone upon working with the spirit of God to bring about emotional maturity.
- Transformation – Judah feared death but became the royal Messianic line. A disciple obtains a rose quartz stone after a transformation (entire sanctification experience) where the disciple’s life has reached a more mature level of living in perfect love.
Obtaining all 12 Living Stones does not mean one has finished growing as a Christian, but should mean that one has learned the basics to continue to grow in life and godliness.
Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
2 Peter 3:18
For those already mature in The Christian Faith, rather than repeating lessons already learned, Living Stones can be obtained by mentoring someone else in obtaining their Living Stones.
The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2
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Photo by Tranmautritam